
Emily Wu (Sonographer)

Emily from Medultrasound is available Monday (all day) and Thursday Mornings in Suite 3.

To book in, you will require a valid referral from your GP. All Ultrasound referral forms are accepted, provided they are requests for the ultrasounds listed below. Emily speaks Mandarin and English. Emily will also see patients without a valid Medicare card (Private fee is $200).

Ultrasound Services / 超聲波檢查服務

General Ultrasound / 一般超聲波檢查:

  • Abdominal Ultrasound / 腹部超聲波
  • (Liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, spleen / 肝臟、膽囊、腎臟、胰腺,脾臟)
  • Gynecological Scans / 婦科檢查
  • (Uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes / 子宮、卵巢、輸卵管)
  • Renal Ultrasound / 腎臟超聲波
  • (Kidneys and bladder / 腎臟,前列腺和膀胱)
  • Breast Lump Evaluation / 乳房腫塊檢查
  • Scrotal/Testicular Ultrasound / 陰囊/睾丸超聲波
  • Salivary Glands / 唾液腺檢查
  • Thyroid & Lymph Nodes / 甲狀腺&淋巴腺

Vascular Ultrasound / 血管超聲波:

  • Carotid Artery Ultrasound / 頸動脈超聲波
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Scan / 深靜脈血栓檢查 

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound / 肌肉骨骼超聲波:

  • Joint & Soft Tissue Ultrasound / 關節與軟組織超聲波
  • (Shoulder, knee, wrist, etc. / 肩部、膝蓋、手腕等)
  • Tendon and Ligament Scans / 肌腱與韌帶檢查
  • Ultrasound Preparation / 超聲波檢查準備工作

Abdominal Ultrasound / 腹部超聲波

Preparation: Do not eat or drink anything for 6-8 hours before the exam to ensure clear images of the abdomen. 

準備工作: 檢查前6至8小時內禁止飲食,以確保腹部圖像清晰。

Pelvic Ultrasound /婦科超聲波

Obstetric Ultrasound / 產科超聲波

Renal Ultrasound / 腎臟超聲波

Preparation: Drink 1 litres glasses of water one hour before the exam. A full bladder is required for better imaging. 

 準備工作: 檢查前1小時飲1升水,保持膀胱充盈,以便獲得更好的影像。

Book your ultrasound online today!



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