Karen graduated with honours from the University of Sydney with her first degree in medical science. She spent a year doing research in neuropathology and then completed her medical degree at the same university. She was a rural student in Dubbo for her third year and did elective terms in Hobart and London. For internship and residency, she worked at Concord, Canterbury and Broken Hill Hospitals. Part of her GP training was completed here at Campsie Medical Practice.
As a GP, Karen enjoys looking after entire families from young to old and having a holistic and preventative approach to healthcare. She has special interests in women’s health, mental health and hepatitis B. She has also completed a Diploma in child health and a Family Planning Certificate and is involved in the Antenatal Shared Care Program. Dr Pok is an advisory for the Canterbury Hospital Clinical Council. She can speak Cantonese and understand basic Mandarin.
Dr Pok works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Fridays.
卜凯韵医生毕业于悉尼大学医学学士学位。她用一整年的时间从事神经病理学研究,然后在悉尼大学完成了医学学位。她以偏远地区学生身份在达博完成第三年课程,并在霍巴特和伦敦读过选修课。在实习和居住方面,她曾在Concord,Canterbury和Broken Hill医院工作。她在保健医
疗中心完成了部分的全科医生培训。作为一名全科医生,卜医生乐于采取全面和预防性的医疗方法照顾不同年龄层的全部家庭成员。她特别善于处理女性健康,心理健康和乙型肝炎。在工作之余,她还获得了儿童健康文凭和 计划生育证书。她会说广东话。